
huangapple go评论76阅读模式

Why do my goroutines wait for each other instead of finishing when done?




package main 

import (
	"time" //用于时间函数,例如Now()
	"math/rand" //用于伪随机数

/* 简单的冒泡排序算法 */
func bubblesort(str string, a []int) []int {
	for n:=len(a); n>1; n-- {
		for i:=0; i<n-1; i++ {
			if a[i] > a[i+1] {
				a[i], a[i+1] = a[i+1], a[i] //交换
    fmt.Println(str+" done") //完成消息
    return a

/* 用伪随机数填充切片 */
func random_fill(a []int) []int {
    for i:=0; i<len(a); i++ { 
	    a[i] = rand.Int()
    return a

func main() {
   rand.Seed( time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) //设置随机数种子

   a1 := make([]int, 34589) //创建切片
   a2 := make([]int, 42) //创建切片
   a3 := make([]int, 9999) //创建切片

   a1 = random_fill(a1) //填充切片
   a2 = random_fill(a2) //填充切片
   a3 = random_fill(a3) //填充切片
   fmt.Println("Slices filled ...")

   go bubblesort("Thread 1", a1) //启动第一个协程
   go bubblesort("Thread 2", a2) //启动第二个协程
   go bubblesort("Thread 3", a3) //启动第三个协程
   fmt.Println("Main working ...")

   time.Sleep(1*60*1e9) //等待1分钟以获取“done”消息


Slices filled ...
Main working ...
Thread 1 done
Thread 2 done
Thread 3 done

Thread 2应该先完成,因为它的切片最小,为什么没有呢?





I'm pretty new to Go and there is one thing in my code which I don't understand.
I wrote a simple bubblesort algorithm (I know it's not really efficient ;)).
Now I want to start 3 GoRoutines. Each thread should sort his array independent from the other ones. When finished, the func. should print a "done"-Message.

Here is my Code:

package main 

import (
	&quot;time&quot; //for time functions e.g. Now()
	&quot;math/rand&quot; //for pseudo random numbers

/* Simple bubblesort algorithm*/
func bubblesort(str string, a []int) []int {
	for n:=len(a); n&gt;1; n-- {
		for i:=0; i&lt;n-1; i++ {
			if a[i] &gt; a[i+1] {
				a[i], a[i+1] = a[i+1], a[i] //swap
    fmt.Println(str+&quot; done&quot;) //done message
    return a

/*fill slice with pseudo numbers*/
func random_fill(a []int) []int {
    for i:=0; i&lt;len(a); i++ { 
	    a[i] = rand.Int()
    return a

func main() {
   rand.Seed( time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) //set seed for rand.

   a1 := make([]int, 34589) //create slice
   a2 := make([]int, 42) //create slice
   a3 := make([]int, 9999) //create slice

   a1 = random_fill(a1) //fill slice
   a2 = random_fill(a2) //fill slice
   a3 = random_fill(a3) //fill slice
   fmt.Println(&quot;Slices filled ...&quot;)

   go bubblesort(&quot;Thread 1&quot;, a1) //1. Routine Start
   go bubblesort(&quot;Thread 2&quot;, a2) //2. Routine Start
   go bubblesort(&quot;Thread 3&quot;, a3) //3. Routine Start
   fmt.Println(&quot;Main working ...&quot;)

   time.Sleep(1*60*1e9) //Wait 1 minute for the &quot;done&quot; messages

This is what I get:

Slices filled ...
Main working ...
Thread 1 done
Thread 2 done
Thread 3 done

Should'nt Thread 2 finish first, since his slice is the smallest?
It seems that all the threads are waiting for the others to finish, because the "done"-messages appear at the same time, no matter how big the slices are..

Where is my brainbug? =)

Thanks in advance.

When putting "time.Sleep(1)" in the for-loop in the bubblesort func. it seems to work.. but I want to clock the duration on different machines with this code (I know, i have to change the random thing), so sleep would falsify the results.


得分: 9



import (
    "time" //用于时间函数,例如Now()
    "math/rand" //用于伪随机数

func main() {

   rand.Seed( time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) //为rand设置种子


Slices filled ...
Main working ...
Thread 2 done
Thread 3 done
Thread 1 done



Indeed, there is no garantee regarding the order in which your goroutines will be executed.

However if you force the true parallel processing by explicitly letting 2 processor cores run :

import (
    &quot;time&quot; //for time functions e.g. Now()
    &quot;math/rand&quot; //for pseudo random numbers

func main() {

   rand.Seed( time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) //set seed for rand.

Then you will get the expected result :

Slices filled ...
Main working ...
Thread 2 done
Thread 3 done
Thread 1 done

Best regards


得分: 3





  • 在我的机器上,如果不让出处理器,您的程序运行时间为5.1秒。
  • 如果在外部循环(for n:=len(a); n>1; n--)中让出处理器,运行时间为5.2秒:开销很小。
  • 如果在内部循环(for i:=0; i<n-1; i++)中让出处理器,运行时间为61.7秒:开销巨大!!


package main

import (

/* 简单的冒泡排序算法 */
func bubblesort(str string, a []int, ch chan []int) {
	for n := len(a); n > 1; n-- {
		for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
			if a[i] > a[i+1] {
				a[i], a[i+1] = a[i+1], a[i] //交换
		runtime.Gosched() //在部分工作负载后让出处理器
	fmt.Println(str + " done") //完成消息
	ch <- a

/* 使用伪随机数填充切片 */
func random_fill(a []int) []int {
	for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
		a[i] = rand.Int()
	return a

func main() {
	rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) //设置随机数种子

	a1 := make([]int, 34589) //创建切片
	a2 := make([]int, 42)    //创建切片
	a3 := make([]int, 9999)  //创建切片

	a1 = random_fill(a1) //填充切片
	a2 = random_fill(a2) //填充切片
	a3 = random_fill(a3) //填充切片
	fmt.Println("Slices filled ...")

	ch1 := make(chan []int) //创建结果通道
	ch2 := make(chan []int) //创建结果通道
	ch3 := make(chan []int) //创建结果通道

	go bubblesort("Thread 1", a1, ch1) //1. 启动协程
	go bubblesort("Thread 2", a2, ch2) //2. 启动协程
	go bubblesort("Thread 3", a3, ch3) //3. 启动协程
	fmt.Println("Main working ...")

	<-ch1 //等待结果1
	<-ch2 //等待结果2
	<-ch3 //等待结果3


Slices filled ...
Main working ...
Thread 2 done
Thread 3 done
Thread 1 done


最好的问候 :)


The important thing is the ability to &quot;yield&quot; the processor to other processes, before the whole potentialy long-running workload is finished. This holds true as well in single-core context or multi-core context (because [Concurrency is not the same as Parallelism][1]).

This is exactly what the [runtime.Gosched()][2] function does :

&gt; Gosched yields the processor, allowing other goroutines to run. It
&gt; does not suspend the current goroutine, so execution resumes
&gt; automatically.

Be aware that a &quot;context switch&quot; is not free : it costs a little time each time.

 - On my machine without yielding, your program runs in 5.1s.
 - If you yield in the outer loop (`for n:=len(a); n&gt;1; n--`), it runs in 5.2s : small overhead.
 - If you yield in the inner loop (`for i:=0; i&lt;n-1; i++`), it runs in 61.7s : huge overhead !!

Here is the modified program correctly yielding, with the small overhead :

    package main
    import (
    /* Simple bubblesort algorithm*/
    func bubblesort(str string, a []int, ch chan []int) {
    	for n := len(a); n &gt; 1; n-- {
    		for i := 0; i &lt; n-1; i++ {
    			if a[i] &gt; a[i+1] {
    				a[i], a[i+1] = a[i+1], a[i] //swap
    		runtime.Gosched() // yield after part of the workload
    	fmt.Println(str + &quot; done&quot;) //done message
    	ch &lt;- a
    /*fill slice with pseudo numbers*/
    func random_fill(a []int) []int {
    	for i := 0; i &lt; len(a); i++ {
    		a[i] = rand.Int()
    	return a
    func main() {
    	rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) //set seed for rand.
    	a1 := make([]int, 34589) //create slice
    	a2 := make([]int, 42)    //create slice
    	a3 := make([]int, 9999)  //create slice
    	a1 = random_fill(a1) //fill slice
    	a2 = random_fill(a2) //fill slice
    	a3 = random_fill(a3) //fill slice
    	fmt.Println(&quot;Slices filled ...&quot;)
    	ch1 := make(chan []int) //create channel of result
    	ch2 := make(chan []int) //create channel of result
    	ch3 := make(chan []int) //create channel of result
    	go bubblesort(&quot;Thread 1&quot;, a1, ch1) //1. Routine Start
    	go bubblesort(&quot;Thread 2&quot;, a2, ch2) //2. Routine Start
    	go bubblesort(&quot;Thread 3&quot;, a3, ch3) //3. Routine Start
    	fmt.Println(&quot;Main working ...&quot;)
    	&lt;-ch1 // Wait for result 1
    	&lt;-ch2 // Wait for result 2
    	&lt;-ch3 // Wait for result 3

Output :

    Slices filled ...
    Main working ...
    Thread 2 done
    Thread 3 done
    Thread 1 done

I also used channels to implement the rendez-vous, as suggested in my previous comment.

Best regards :)

  [1]: http://blog.golang.org/2013/01/concurrency-is-not-parallelism.html
  [2]: http://golang.org/pkg/runtime/#Gosched


# 答案3
**得分**: 3

自从Go 1.2发布以来原始程序现在可能可以正常工作而无需修改您可以在[Playground][1]中尝试它

这在[Go 1.2发布说明][2]中有解释
&gt; 在之前的版本中一个无限循环的goroutine可能会使同一线程上的其他goroutine饿死当GOMAXPROCS只提供一个用户线程时这是一个严重的问题在Go 1.2这部分得到了解决调度器在进入函数时会偶尔被调用

  [1]: http://play.golang.org/p/n3Mh86QfiC
  [2]: https://golang.org/doc/go1.2#preemption


Since the release of Go 1.2, the original program now &lt;s&gt;works&lt;/s&gt; _may work_ fine without modification. You may try it in [Playground][1].

This is explained in the [Go 1.2 release notes][2] :
&gt; In prior releases, a goroutine that was looping forever could starve
&gt; out other goroutines on the same thread, a serious problem when
&gt; GOMAXPROCS provided only one user thread. In Go 1.2, this is partially
&gt; addressed: The scheduler is invoked occasionally upon entry to a
&gt; function.

  [1]: http://play.golang.org/p/n3Mh86QfiC
  [2]: https://golang.org/doc/go1.2#preemption


  • 本文由 发表于 2013年1月18日 20:50:50
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/14399378.html



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