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Which IDE to use for Go?


一段时间以前,当Go语言还比较新的时候,我用Vi或Notepad++作为编辑器玩了一下,那时候还没有可用的集成开发环境(IDE)。现在我打算用它做一些工作,经过快速搜索后发现有几个选择。之后我看了一下Stack Overflow,发现所有关于Go IDE的问题都已经过时了。

所以,既然现在有一些选择,是时候问一下了:你推荐哪个Go IDE?为什么?我不在乎它运行在哪个操作系统上,但请注明。基本功能要点会很有帮助,但不完全必要。


Awhile back when Go was fairly new I played around with it a bit using Vi or Notepad++ as an editor, at the time there were no IDE's available. Now I'm planning to do some work with it and after a quick search found there are several options. After that I took a look at SO and found all the questions regarding Go IDE's were dated.

So, now that there are some options it's time for me to ask; What IDE would you recommend for Go? Why? I don't care which OS(s) it runs on but please make a note of which. Basic feature bullet points would be appreciated though not entirely necessary.


得分: 3


我最近开始使用sublime text 2和插件GoSublime。代码补全,自动格式化代码,快速绑定以运行pkg单元测试等等,有很多好用的功能。

如果你已经有一个你喜欢的vim设置,那就继续使用吧,因为它非常好用。我对sublime text也很印象深刻,计划以后(尝试并)继续使用它。


There's a lot of complete options, and github.com/nsf/gocode is a helpful part of that. The go src includes binding for vim (what I've been using for the longest) and emacs. Ctags and go seem to play well together with CtrlP and tagbar can be augmented to work as well if that's your thing.

I recently started using sublime text 2 and the plugin GoSublime. Code completion, auto format code, quick bindings for running pkg unit tests out of the box, lots of nice things to be productive.

If you already have a vim setup you enjoy, then roll with that b/c it works great. I'm rather impressed with sublime text myself and plan to (try and) use it going forward.


得分: 0



编辑:就我个人而言,我在所有事情上都使用Gedit。它有连接任何我需要的外部工具的功能,尽管我很少使用它们。我唯一使用的与Go相关的东西是语法高亮。当涉及到Go时,我发现没有太多需要一个完整的IDE。像C#,C ++,Java这样的语言,如果没有围绕它构建的整个IDE框架,使用起来就不太高效。Go没有这个问题。


I doubt anyone can answer this for you, as it is a very personal thing. So to that effect, here is a listing of the currently available editors and Go-related plugins.

I don't know if it is complete, but it will at least get you started.

Edit: Personally, I use Gedit for everything. It has facilities to hook up whatever external tools I need, although I rarely use them. The only Go-related thing I do use is the syntax highlighting. When it comes to Go, I find there is not much need for a full-blown IDE. Languages like C#, C++, Java are just not productive when used without a whole IDE framework built around it. Go does not have this problem.

  • 本文由 发表于 2012年11月17日 06:06:48
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/13425107.html



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