GAE GO – HTML模板和数据安全

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GAE GO - html templates and data safety


当通过在Google App Engine Go应用程序中使用html模板来显示网页时,传递的数据和/或原始模板是否会离开App Engine,还是只有最终的HTML输出?例如,如果我有一个类

  1. type Foo struct{
  2. Public string
  3. Secret string
  4. }

和一个只使用{{.Public}}参数的模板,{{.Secret}}参数是否会离开App?同样,如果有一个模板,如果通过使用{{if .Secret}}...{{end}}来显示一些特殊数据,那么当{{.Secret}}参数不存在时,有没有任何方法可以以任何方式访问HTML的那部分内容?


When displaying a webpage through the use of html templates in Google App Engine Go application, does the passed data and/or raw template ever leave the App Engine, or just the final html output? For example, if I have a class

  1. type Foo struct{
  2. Public string
  3. Secret string
  4. }

and a template that only uses {{.Public}} argument, does the {{.Secret}} argument ever leave the App? Similarly, if there is a template that displays some special data if the {{.Secret}} argument is present through the use of {{if .Secret}}...{{end}}, is there any way to access that part of the html in any way when the {{.Secret}} argument is not present?


得分: 3

这是你的Go程序解析模板。这可以在几个GAE服务器实例上进行。假设离开 GAE意味着通过公共互联网发送HTTP/S连接,那么不,你发送的输出是解析后的HTML模板。

如果在客户端接收到的最终HTML中没有包含{{if .Secret}}之后的部分,则无法访问该部分。



It's your Go program that parses the template. This can take place on several GAE server instances. Assuming that leaving GAE means being sent over an HTTP/S connection over the public internet, then no - the output you send is the parsed HTML template.

It's not possible to access the part after {{if .Secret}} if it's not included in the final HTML that the client receives.

What you could do, however, would be to send the template and it's associated dataset encoded as gob or JSON over to your client, and let your client parse the template.

  • 本文由 发表于 2012年9月14日 12:34:35
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
