
huangapple go评论103阅读模式

Getting a datastore entity into an interface in Go



  1. var i interface{}
  2. err = datastore.Get(c, key, &i)
  3. v := reflect.ValueOf(i)
  4. id := v.FieldByName("Id").String()

上述代码会给我一个"datastore: invalid entity type"错误。


I have a couple of datastore Kinds that have the same field Id. Is it possible to create one generic function that can get me this value? Something similar to this?

  1. var i interface{}
  2. err = datastore.Get(c, key, &i)
  3. v := reflect.ValueOf(i)
  4. id := v.FieldByName("Id").String()

The above code, as it is, gives me a "datastore: invalid entity type" error.


得分: 8

var i interface{} 不属于任何具体类型。appengine数据存储需要一个具体类型来反序列化数据,因为它使用反射。从文档中看,缺少字段或字段与存储的数据类型不同也会导致返回错误,因此不能仅定义具有ID字段的结构体。


  1. type IdField struct {
  2. Id string
  3. }
  4. func (f *IdField) Load(ch <-chan Property) error {
  5. for p := range ch {
  6. if p.Name == "Id" {
  7. f.Id = p.Value.(string)
  8. }
  9. }
  10. return nil
  11. }
  12. func (f *IdField) Save(ch chan<- Property) error {
  13. return fmt.Errorf("Not implemented")
  14. }
  15. var i = &IdField{}
  16. err := datastore.Get(c, key, i)
  17. id := i.Id



var i interface{} isn't of any concrete type. The appengine datastore requires a concrete type to deserialize the data into since it uses reflection. It looks like from the documentation that missing fields or fields of a different type than the data was stored from will cause an error to be returned as well so you can't create a struct with just the ID field defined.

Even so it's possible you could work something out using a custom type that implements the PropertyLoadSaver interface like so:

  1. type IdField struct {
  2. Id string
  3. }
  4. function (f *IdField) Load(ch &lt;-chan Property) error {
  5. for p := range ch {
  6. if p.Name == &quot;Id&quot; {
  7. f.Id = p.Value.(string)
  8. }
  9. }
  10. return nil
  11. }
  12. function (f *IdField) Save(ch chan&lt;- Property) error {
  13. return fmt.Errorf(&quot;Not implemented&quot;)
  14. }
  15. var i = &amp;IdField{}
  16. err := datastore.Get(c, key, i)
  17. id := i.Id

It's probably not as concise as you were hoping but it's a little more typesafe doesn't require reflection and illustrates the general approach you could use to get partial data out of the datastore.

  • 本文由 发表于 2012年9月5日 05:50:46
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/12271836.html



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