
huangapple go评论122阅读模式

Go: range receiving only odd number of values from channel




  1. package main
  2. import "fmt"
  3. func main() {
  4. c := make(chan int)
  5. go (func(c chan int){
  6. for v := range c {
  7. fmt.Println(v)
  8. }
  9. })(c)
  10. c <- 1
  11. c <- 2
  12. c <- 3
  13. c <- 4
  14. // c <- 5 // 取消注释以发送更多值
  15. // c <- 6
  16. close(c)
  17. }




  1. c := make(chan int)



  1. c := make(chan int) // 打印1,2,3
  2. c := make(chan int, 1) // 相同的行为,打印1,2,3
  3. c := make(chan int, 2) // 打印1,2
  4. c := make(chan int, 3) // 打印1,2,3
  5. c := make(chan int, 4) // [没有输出]
  6. c := make(chan int, 5) // [没有输出]
  7. c := make(chan int, 20) // [没有输出]





  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "fmt"
  4. )
  5. func main() {
  6. c := make(chan int)
  7. cc := make(chan int)
  8. p := func (c chan int){
  9. for v := range c {
  10. fmt.Println(v)
  11. }
  12. }
  13. go p(c)
  14. go p(cc)
  15. c <- 1
  16. c <- 2
  17. c <- 3
  18. c <- 4
  19. // c <- 5
  20. // c <- 6
  21. cc <- 1000
  22. // cc <- 2000
  23. close(c)
  24. close(cc)
  25. }

如果我取消注释cc <- 2000这一行,那么所有的值都会被打印出来。但是如果我将其注释掉,我只会得到1、2和3。

看起来像是一个时间问题。我以为cc <- 1000这一行会阻塞主函数,直到所有通道都被读取完。


I am running this code in the sandbox in http://tour.golang.org/

I thought that once I launched the goroutine that ranges over the channel, all values I would send through would be printed.

  1. package main
  2. import &quot;fmt&quot;
  3. func main() {
  4. c := make(chan int)
  5. go (func(c chan int){
  6. for v := range c {
  7. fmt.Println(v)
  8. }
  9. })(c)
  10. c &lt;- 1
  11. c &lt;- 2
  12. c &lt;- 3
  13. c &lt;- 4
  14. // c &lt;- 5 // uncomment to send more values
  15. // c &lt;- 6
  16. close(c)
  17. }

But if I send an odd number of values (say, 1, 2 and 3), all values get printed.

If I send an even number of values(say, 1, 2, 3 and 4), the last one does not get printed.

It seems that the channel creation line:

  1. c := make(chan int)

Changes the behavior of the range expression when I add a buffer of different sizes:

(I am sending 4 values)

  1. c := make(chan int) // prints 1,2,3
  2. c := make(chan int, 1) // same behavior, prints 1,2,3
  3. c := make(chan int, 2) // prints 1,2
  4. c := make(chan int, 3) // prints 1,2,3
  5. c := make(chan int, 4) // [no output]
  6. c := make(chan int, 5) // [no output]
  7. c := make(chan int, 20) // [no output]

Why is it not receiving the last value when I send an even number?

More in this:

I tested this offline also, compiling under 64 bit Linux.

I changed the program a little:

  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. &quot;fmt&quot;
  4. )
  5. func main() {
  6. c := make(chan int)
  7. cc := make(chan int)
  8. p := func (c chan int){
  9. for v := range c {
  10. fmt.Println(v)
  11. }
  12. }
  13. go p(c)
  14. go p(cc)
  15. c &lt;- 1
  16. c &lt;- 2
  17. c &lt;- 3
  18. c &lt;- 4
  19. // c &lt;- 5
  20. // c &lt;- 6
  21. cc &lt;- 1000
  22. // cc &lt;- 2000
  23. close(c)
  24. close(cc)
  25. }

If I decomment the line cc &lt;- 2000 then everything gets printed. But if I leave it commented out, I only get 1, 2 and 3.

Seems like a timing issue. I thought that the line cc &lt;- 1000 would block the main function until all channels get read.


得分: 4



cc &lt;- 1000这一行确实会阻塞主函数,但是range本身会解锁它,导致主函数终止(同时也终止了goroutine),不允许fmt.Println执行。


Writing the last line I think I realised what the problem was.

When main ends all other goroutines end.

The for loop inside the goroutine is not atomic.
The line cc &lt;- 1000 DOES block main, but the range itself unlocks it, and main dies (and kills the goroutine too) not allowing fmt.Println to execute.


得分: 4





  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "fmt"
  4. "sync"
  5. )
  6. func main() {
  7. c := make(chan int)
  8. cc := make(chan int)
  9. var wg sync.WaitGroup
  10. p := func(c chan int) {
  11. for v := range c {
  12. fmt.Println(v)
  13. }
  14. wg.Done()
  15. }
  16. wg.Add(2)
  17. go p(c)
  18. go p(cc)
  19. c <- 1
  20. c <- 2
  21. c <- 3
  22. c <- 4
  23. cc <- 1000
  24. cc <- 2000
  25. close(c)
  26. close(cc)
  27. wg.Wait()
  28. }

You are thinking of a close as being more like a send than it is, according to the memory model:

> The closing of a channel happens before a receive that returns a zero
> value because the channel is closed.

So you are guaranteed that those close statements will complete before their corresponding loops terminate. Since you also know the close statements must happen after the last send on those channels (since they are in the same go-routine) you know that all but the last value sent on them will be guaranteed to print. I think what you were expecting was the close to act more like a send, so that the loop is forced to print its last value. If you replace the close statements with a send of -1, for example, this will guarantee all of the values (except the -1's, possibly) will get printed. Whether or not the -1's get printed is not guaranteed.

Obviously this is a simplification of something, but I think the 'proper' way to write your example would be to use a sync.WaitGroup. It's very easy and is perfect for firing off several go-routines and waiting for them all to complete. Here is your code re-written to use a WaitGroup:

  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. &quot;fmt&quot;
  4. &quot;sync&quot;
  5. )
  6. func main() {
  7. c := make(chan int)
  8. cc := make(chan int)
  9. var wg sync.WaitGroup
  10. p := func(c chan int) {
  11. for v := range c {
  12. fmt.Println(v)
  13. }
  14. wg.Done()
  15. }
  16. wg.Add(2)
  17. go p(c)
  18. go p(cc)
  19. c &lt;- 1
  20. c &lt;- 2
  21. c &lt;- 3
  22. c &lt;- 4
  23. cc &lt;- 1000
  24. cc &lt;- 2000
  25. close(c)
  26. close(cc)
  27. wg.Wait()
  28. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2012年7月19日 22:46:20
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/11563363.html



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