
huangapple go评论72阅读模式

Need help understanding why select{} isn't blocking forever



package main

import "fmt"
import "time"
import "math/rand"

func runTask(t string, ch *chan bool) {
    start := time.Now()
    fmt.Println("starting task", t)
    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(rand.Int31n(1500))) // 模拟处理时间
    fmt.Println("done running task", t, "in", time.Since(start))

func main() {
    numWorkers := 3
    files := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"}

    activeWorkers := make(chan bool, numWorkers)

    for _, f := range files {
        activeWorkers <- true
        fmt.Printf("activeWorkers is %d long.\n", len(activeWorkers))
        go runTask(f, &activeWorkers)
    select {}


throw: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!





I am working on an exercise in using channels to implement a queue. Specifically, I am trying to use the size of a channel to limit the number of simultaneous goroutines. To wit, I have written the following code:

package main

import &quot;fmt&quot;
import &quot;time&quot;
import &quot;math/rand&quot;

func runTask (t string, ch *chan bool) {
        start := time.Now()
        fmt.Println(&quot;starting task&quot;, t)
        time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(rand.Int31n(1500))) // fake processing time
        fmt.Println(&quot;done running task&quot;, t, &quot;in&quot;, time.Since(start))
        &lt;- *ch

func main() {
        numWorkers := 3
        files := []string{&quot;a&quot;, &quot;b&quot;, &quot;c&quot;, &quot;d&quot;, &quot;e&quot;, &quot;f&quot;, &quot;g&quot;, &quot;h&quot;, &quot;i&quot;, &quot;j&quot;}

        activeWorkers := make(chan bool, numWorkers)

        for _, f := range files {
                activeWorkers &lt;- true
                fmt.Printf(&quot;activeWorkers is %d long.\n&quot;, len(activeWorkers))
                go runTask(f, &amp;activeWorkers)

Right now, the code crashes with:

throw: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!

My expectation was that the call to select would block forever and let the goroutines terminate without a deadlock.

So I have a two-fold question: why isn't select blocking forever and, short of throwing in a time.Sleep() call after the for loop, how can I avoid deadlocks?




得分: 6

Arlen Cuss已经写了一个很好的答案。我只是想为你的工作队列提出另一种设计建议。你可以不限制通道可以缓冲的条目数量,而是只生成有限数量的工作goroutine,这样感觉更自然。像这样:

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"
import "math/rand"

func runTask(t string) string {
    start := time.Now()
    fmt.Println("starting task", t)
    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(rand.Int31n(1500))) // fake processing time
    fmt.Println("done running task", t, "in", time.Since(start))
    return t

func worker(in chan string, out chan string) {
    for t := range in {
        out <- runTask(t)

func main() {
    numWorkers := 3

    // spawn workers
    in, out := make(chan string), make(chan string)
    for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
        go worker(in, out)

    files := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"}

    // schedule tasks
    go func() {
        for _, f := range files {
            in <- f

    // get results
    for _ = range files {



Arlen Cuss has already written a good answer. I just want to suggest another design for your work queue. Instead of limiting the number of entries your channel can buffer, you can also just spawn a limited number of worker goroutines which feels more natural imho. Something like that:

package main

import &quot;fmt&quot;
import &quot;time&quot;
import &quot;math/rand&quot;

func runTask(t string) string {
	start := time.Now()
	fmt.Println(&quot;starting task&quot;, t)
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(rand.Int31n(1500))) // fake processing time
	fmt.Println(&quot;done running task&quot;, t, &quot;in&quot;, time.Since(start))
	return t

func worker(in chan string, out chan string) {
	for t := range in {
		out &lt;- runTask(t)

func main() {
	numWorkers := 3

	// spawn workers
	in, out := make(chan string), make(chan string)
	for i := 0; i &lt; numWorkers; i++ {
		go worker(in, out)

	files := []string{&quot;a&quot;, &quot;b&quot;, &quot;c&quot;, &quot;d&quot;, &quot;e&quot;, &quot;f&quot;, &quot;g&quot;, &quot;h&quot;, &quot;i&quot;, &quot;j&quot;}

	// schedule tasks
	go func() {
		for _, f := range files {
			in &lt;- f

	// get results
	for _ = range files {

You can also use a sync.WaitGroup if you just want to wait until all tasks have been executed, but using an out channel has the advantage that you can aggregate the results later. For example if each tasks returns the number of words in that file, the final loop might be used to sum up all individual word counts.


得分: 4



主要的goroutine最终进入了一个select {}的状态,不等待任何人,只是挂起。一旦最后一个runTask goroutine完成,只剩下主要的goroutine,它没有等待任何人。



package main

import "fmt"
import "time"
import "math/rand"

func runTask(t string, ch chan bool, finishedCh chan bool) {
    start := time.Now()
    fmt.Println("starting task", t)
    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(rand.Int31n(1500))) // fake processing time
    fmt.Println("done running task", t, "in", time.Since(start))
    finishedCh <- true

func main() {
    numWorkers := 3
    files := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"}

    activeWorkers := make(chan bool, numWorkers)
    finishedWorkers := make(chan bool)
    done := make(chan bool)

    go func() {
        remaining := len(files)
        for remaining > 0 {
            remaining -= 1

        done <- true

    for _, f := range files {
        activeWorkers <- true
        fmt.Printf("activeWorkers is %d long.\n", len(activeWorkers))
        go runTask(f, activeWorkers, finishedWorkers)


Firstly, you don't need to pass a pointer to the channel; channels, like maps and others,
are references
, meaning the underlying data isn't copied, only a pointer to the actual data. If you need a pointer to a chan itself, you'll know when that time comes.

The crash occurs because the program gets into a state where every goroutine is blocked. This should be impossible; if every goroutine is blocked, then no possible process could come and wake up another goroutine (and your program would consequently be hung).

The primary goroutine winds up in a select {}—not waiting for anyone, just hanging. Once the last runTask goroutine finishes, there's only the primary goroutine left, and it's waiting on no-one.

You'll need to add some way to know when every goroutine has finished; perhaps another channel can receive finish events.

This is a bit ugly, but might be some inspiration.

package main

import &quot;fmt&quot;
import &quot;time&quot;
import &quot;math/rand&quot;

func runTask(t string, ch chan bool, finishedCh chan bool) {
	start := time.Now()
	fmt.Println(&quot;starting task&quot;, t)
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(rand.Int31n(1500))) // fake processing time
	fmt.Println(&quot;done running task&quot;, t, &quot;in&quot;, time.Since(start))
	finishedCh &lt;- true

func main() {
	numWorkers := 3
	files := []string{&quot;a&quot;, &quot;b&quot;, &quot;c&quot;, &quot;d&quot;, &quot;e&quot;, &quot;f&quot;, &quot;g&quot;, &quot;h&quot;, &quot;i&quot;, &quot;j&quot;}

	activeWorkers := make(chan bool, numWorkers)
	finishedWorkers := make(chan bool)
	done := make(chan bool)

	go func() {
		remaining := len(files)
		for remaining &gt; 0 {
			remaining -= 1

		done &lt;- true

	for _, f := range files {
		activeWorkers &lt;- true
		fmt.Printf(&quot;activeWorkers is %d long.\n&quot;, len(activeWorkers))
		go runTask(f, activeWorkers, finishedWorkers)



得分: 2


通常情况下,你希望在所有其他goroutine完成后,在主goroutine中做一些事情,可以使用它们的结果,或者只是清理工作,对此你可以像tux21b建议的那样做。如果你真的只想让主goroutine完成并让其他goroutine继续它们的工作,可以在主函数的顶部放置defer runtime.Goexit()。这将导致主goroutine退出而不退出整个程序。


tux21b has already posted a more idiomatic solution, but I would like to answer your question a different way. select{} does block forever, yes. A deadlock occurs when all goroutines are blocked. If all your other goroutines finish, then you only have the blocked main goroutine left, which is a deadlock.

Normally, you want to do something in your main goroutine after all the others have finished, either by using their results, or just cleaning up, and for that you'd do what tux21b suggested. If you really just want main to finish and leave the rest of the goroutines to do their job, put defer runtime.Goexit() at the top of your main function. This will cause it to exit without exiting to the program.

  • 本文由 发表于 2012年4月16日 17:51:51
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/10171941.html



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