英文: Git worktrees not showing branch names, but recognizing branches 问题 I recently enabled Windows S...
在macOS Ventura上安装perlcritic。
英文: Install perlcritic on macOS Ventura 问题 I'm on macOS Ventura 13.3.1 and I'm trying to get perlcri...
英文: zsh auto completion does not suggest at aliased command on Mac 问题 Sure, here's the translation o...
英文: Securely pass credentials to command-line utility 问题 Sure, here's the translated code portion wi...
Columnizing a list with ANSI-color codes?
英文: Columnizing a list with ANSI-color codes? 问题 Using column 或 pr -T3 列化带有 ANSI 转义的输入会导致项目的对齐出现问题,它...
英文: Error with using alias for executable with mpirun/mpiexec 问题 I have set up an alias for my LAMMP...
“Ctrl-z 用于突然暂停 tmux 面板中的运行进程不起作用。”
英文: ctrl-z to suspend running process suddenly not working in tmux panel 问题 Job运行时间过长,但不想终止它。在将进程发送到...
You can permanently remove an added alias from zsh (MacOS Terminal) by editing your `.zshrc` file.
英文: How can I permanently remove an added alias from zsh (MacOS Terminal)? 问题 I'm using MacOS and ha...
编辑一个命令,然后在按下 zsh 中的键绑定后执行。
英文: Edit a command, and then execute upon pressing a keybinding in zsh 问题 我尝试在按键绑定"Control Spac...
如果我在另一个 shell 中运行一个 shell,将加载哪个配置文件链?
英文: what profiles chain will be loaded if I run a shell in another shell? 问题 我知道有分类规则可以解释这个,就像下面的图片一...