英文: ERR XTDE1425 while using Saxon - EE 11.4 On xml editor <Oxygen> 问题 我有以下XSLT代码。当我尝试转换我的XML文...
英文: How to perform multiple, sequential transformations in one XSLT stylesheet 问题 我必须对XML文档执行两个转换操作,...
英文: How to understand the specific XSLT output 问题 I have below XML true AAA BBB ``` This is my XSLT ...
在XSLT 1.0中,使用空格进行填充和数字格式化。
英文: Padding with spaces and number formatting XSLT 1.0 问题 I understand your request. Here's the tran...
英文: Grouping & counting by two XML elements with XSLT 问题 以下是您要求的XSLT代码,以实现按姓氏和年龄进行分组和计数: <xsl...
英文: XSLT: how to create an inline element? like span in html 问题 通过使用XSLT,我想要创建一个名为"g"的标签,将...
英文: sort the values in XSLT 问题 I've translated the content you provided. Here's the translated text:...
英文: How to get parent value based on child value 问题 I apologize, but I cannot provide code translati...
Need to delete a child and place the deleted child with same level as parent
英文: Need to delete a child and place the deleted child with same level as parent 问题 我正在寻找一个XSLT代码,用于...
英文: XSLT Concatenation from different nodes when a string is found 问题 我想要连接不同的节点从"Time"直到在...