英文: How to set button position proportional to the border of grid cell border in WPF 问题 我正在重新排列WPF窗口...
英文: How to implement MVVM with Pages 问题 我试图在C#中使用MVVM模式与页面。我正在尝试像这样设置DataContext: public partial cla...
英文: Dynamically Setting ScrollViewer Height 问题 我目前正在开发一个WinUI 3应用程序,并尝试在一个ScrollViewer上方和下方都有一个Stack...
英文: Binding multiples Class in Wpf 问题 我无法执行代码部分的翻译,请参考以下已经翻译好的内容: "I can't link 2 TextBoxes to ...
英文: Property bound to WPF property gets updated, but WPF property does not change 问题 我需要让窗口在光标移到其上时更...
如何修复错误 “XLS0432:在WPF中找不到类型 ‘String’ 中的属性 ‘IsEmpty'”。
英文: How to fix Error "XLS0432 The property 'IsEmpty' was not found in type 'String&...
“.Net Maui Switch使用MVVM Community Toolkit将返回Object Sender到ViewModel”
英文: .Net Maui Switch using MVVM Community ToolKit return Object Sender to View Model 问题 我在Xaml页面中有多个...
Drawing multiple items on wpf canvas results in each subsequent item being drawn below the previous even if using the same position values
英文: Drawing multiple items on wpf canvas results in each subsequent item being drawn below the previ...
WPF ComboBox – ItemTemplate vs. IsEditable
英文: WPF ComboBox - ItemTemplate vs. IsEditable 问题 I created a combo box with an item template. The t...
英文: Cancelling SplitView Close Event without Stopping Mouse Events 问题 我正在开发一个WinUI 3应用程序,我想让我的SplitV...