英文: I recently deleted all versions of python from my laptop. However when I click on the windows ic...
英文: Get date from filename to change date in Meta Info of mp4 file with Exiftool 问题 我正在尝试更改拍摄电影的日期。由...
英文: Copy files between RDC 问题 我需要从一个远程桌面复制文件到另一个远程桌面。 问题是第二个远程桌面没有Windows图形界面 - 我只能使用有限的功能。 我可以使用cmd...
Mingw for C安装问题
英文: Mingw for c installation issue 问题 当我尝试在我的 Windows 11 64 位系统上安装用于 C 语言的 MinGW 时,它显示“文件已下载错误”。有人可以...
Why does the c function srand() behave differently on Windows vs. Linux, where consecutive seeds produce the first consecutive random number?
英文: Why does the c function srand() behave differently on Windows vs. Linux, where consecutive seeds...
英文: Calling to system function in C causes it to fix ANSI colors? 问题 我已经在命令行中制作工具有一段时间了。然而,当我回顾一些旧项目...
英文: Windows search for all filenames having "string1" in the contents and not having "...
UWP In-Process AppService连接仅在主机应用程序运行时可用。
英文: UWP In-Process AppService connection only when Host app is running 问题 我的UWP应用程序托管了一个与应用程序在同一进程中运...
英文: Token created via LogonUserW while impersonating another user is denied from accessing resources...
英文: Why is it bad to create entries under the RunOnce key from an application that launches from the...