英文: How to Programmatically select the Run this program as an Administrator Checkbox option for C# A...
msi with C#-webview2 does not work with webview
英文: msi with C#-webview2 does not work with webview 问题 using System; using System.Windows.Forms; nam...
Windows Installer Setup Project does not accept output from VSTO Excel add-in project due to supposed architecture mismatch
英文: Windows Installer Setup Project does not accept output from VSTO Excel add-in project due to sup...
英文: Using Orca.exe I need to create MST file on Client Side via Command Prompt 问题 在部署我的应用程序的ClientSe...
WixSharp: how to package a large folder into a single MSI file without getting 'The system cannot open the device or specified file' error
英文: WixSharp: how to package a large folder into a single MSI file without getting 'The system c...
Msiexec a MSI package with passive got different results in administrator command prompt and normal command prompt
英文: Msiexec a MSI package with passive got different results in administrator command prompt and nor...
英文: Wix: Accessing properties in a deferred action by setting them in an immediate action: The given...
英文: How to pass parameters and VM arguments after bundling jar as exe with install4j 问题 我已经使用install...
英文: Uninstalling an application by its GUID 问题 你好,我尝试使用GUID卸载一个产品。当我直接在命令提示符中执行时,它可以正常工作,但是当我尝试使用Gol...