英文: Cumulative sum in BigQuery that resets based on its own value 问题 我需要计算列A的累积总和,并在达到某个阈值时将其重置。在下面的...
英文: Calculating a share value group by in Postgres 问题 Sure, here's a script to calculate the percent...
英文: Give number to rows based on condition 问题 你想要为给定的数据创建一个名为 'sessionid' 的新列,当出现新会话行('YES')时,希望 'se...
Sequence purchases in a table where the sequence is unique to the purchaser.
英文: Sequence purchases in a table where the sequence is unique to the purchaser 问题 我正在查看如下表格: Idx | ...
英文: Sql query to regroup audit information 问题 DataId Time Username Column Old value New value 1 2023...
从确切的数值找过渡 SQL
英文: Find transitions from exact values SQL 问题 | 行号 | 类别 | 前一行号 | 前一类别 | | ------ | ------- | -------...
group_rolling per group in polars
英文: group_rolling per group in polars 问题 以下是翻译好的代码部分: 让我们假设我有以下的 DataFrame: example_df = pl.DataFram...
英文: How to combine intervals across multiple rows? 问题 我有一个表格,其中包含商品、库存状态(缺货或有货)以及商品的库存状态起始和结束日期范围。 S...
calculate the 7 day sale by different start date (the first day customer purchase), to find average purchase unit of each customer by every 7 days
英文: calculate the 7 day sale by different start date (the first day customer purchase), to find aver...
英文: Is there a way to collapse ordered rows by terminal values with postgres window clause 问题 以下是代码的...