英文: Standard input in visual studio code 问题 So I made a usaco program in c++, and I was trying to de...
gitignore 中的大型目录减缓了 VS Code 的速度
英文: Large Directory under gitignore slows down vs code 问题 我有一个存储库,其中有一个名为 data/ 的文件夹,该文件夹也在 .gitigno...
在Vscode Jupyter中的长时间运行单元:重新连接到内核
英文: Long-running cell in Vscode Jupyter: Reconnecting to the kernel 问题 每当我在Vscode中运行一个需要很长时间才能完成的Jup...
如何配置我的工具以忽略或阻止在 Jupyter 笔记本中更新 execution_count 字段?
英文: How can I configure my tools to ignore or prevent updates to the execution_count field in a Jupy...
英文: Why are my HTML class attributes collapsed inline into three dots? 问题 我不能看到HTML标签的内容,直到我将鼠标悬停在省略...
Flutter Auto Formatting on VSCode
英文: Flutter Auto Formatting on VSCode 问题 最近我对Flutter(在VSCode上)每当我在文件中添加分号时自动格式化我的文件感到非常烦恼... 有没有人知道如...
如何告诉 Git 我已经更改了子模块的路径?
英文: How to tell git that I already changed the path of a submodule? 问题 我在以下路径有一个子模块:src/level_1/leve...
Problem on configuring vscode for C#: it doesn't generate launch.json and tasks.json
英文: Problem on configuring vscode for C#: it doesn't generate launch.json and tasks.json 问题 我正在尝...
英文: My extension is not appearing under "installed extensions" when running in debug mode ...
英文: VScode javadoc generation shortcut like Intellij 问题 Is there a way to generate the javadoc for a...