英文: C++: Outputting the original input rather than the modified input 问题 这个程序收集两个数字然后返回哪个值更大。然而,关于单位...
英文: Can't place rays from some start to some end 问题 我有一个起点和终点,我需要在从起点到终点的线上放置可调节数量的射线。但我无法弄清楚如何正...
Vectors and matrices are value types in Math.Net Numerics.
英文: Are vectors and matrices reference or value types? Math.Net Numerics 问题 请原谅我的无知,向量和矩阵是引用类型还是值类型?...
英文: Writing a function to rotate a 2d vector 90 degrees clockwise 问题 我试图将一个二维向量顺时针旋转,但无法使其适用于非正方形向量。...
改进 C++ 向量插入(初始)编写
英文: better cpp vector insert(initial) writing 问题 我正在尝试在另一个实例中初始化一个已定义类的向量,测试代码如下: ```cpp #include &l...
英文: Define unit vector in Python with s components 问题 我想在Python中定义一个列向量v = (0, 0, …, 0, 1)。该向量应该有s个分...
英文: Is there an efficient, time saving method of maintaining a heap in which elements are removed in...
"cannot convert from 'UnityEngine.Vector3' to 'UnityEngine.Space" trying to rotate camera with joystick
英文: "cannot convert from 'UnityEngine.Vector3' to 'UnityEngine.Space" trying t...
Should I use an std::vector or a std::unique_ptr here?
英文: Should I use an std::vector or a std::unique_ptr here? 问题 我有一个名为Mesh的类,我希望它对于多种不同的“类似数组”的结构(如ver...
Is it possible to bind a function from a vector of objects to a std::function, or how would you access a function from a vector of objects this way
英文: Is it possible to bind a function from a vector of objects to a std::function, or how would you ...