英文: Can I use the same text file in two separate forms within the same project? 问题 我已经找到一个解决方法,感谢您的帮...
如何解决:”已经存在与此命令相关联的打开的 DataReader,必须首先关闭。”
英文: How to resolve : 'There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which mus...
英文: How to delete a row in sql using vb.net 问题 抱歉,如果这很简单或基础的话,我是全新接触SQL和表格,所以我只是试着弄清楚它。 基本上,我正在尝试删除用...
英文: Waiting for an async function in vb.net 问题 以下是已经翻译好的部分: "I'm trying out some async code to ...
英文: Is there a way to include null values along with selected values in query 问题 当筛选多个类别时,我试图向当前的连接字...
英文: Conversion from type dbnull to type double is not valid 问题 <!-- 函数 1--> Function G...
Number must be either non-negative and less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue or -1.
英文: Number must be either non-negative and less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue or -1 问题 我在尝试启动计时器时遇...
英文: Why are bytes read from a file different between Java and VB.NET? 问题 我读取文件 file.dat 的数据。 这是我在 VB...
DataListView 使用 ObservableCollection 作为数据源时,不显示新添加的对象。
英文: DataListView with DataSource of ObservableCollection does not display newly added objects 问题 创建了...
英文: Bulk Data update in a windows application using SQL update procedure 问题 I've created a windows a...