英文: Is unit testing just testing methods? 问题 I'm a new software developer and the devs are going ove...
Spring Boot – 测试仓库 – 引用完整性约束违规
英文: Spring Boot - testing repository - Referential integrity constraint violation 问题 I see that you'...
条件语句在Java Sikuli中不起作用。
英文: if condition for java sikuli is not working 问题 我正在使用Java-sikuli编写脚本,并尝试使用以下if条件: if(screen.exist...
spring-cloud-contract-wiremock | 自动注册存根与编程注册的对比
英文: spring-cloud-contract-wiremock | Registering Stubs Automatically vs Programmatically 问题 I would ...
配置Spring JUnit 5测试精确性
英文: Percisely configure spring junit 5 test config 问题 以下是您提供的内容的中文翻译: 使用spring-boot和junit5编写单元测试一直有些...
New Selenium IDE,如何编写带有存储属性的条件语句
英文: New Selenium IDE, how to write a conditional statement with stored attribute 问题 我已经成功存储了 alt 值属性...
英文: Configuration Getting Ignored in Test 问题 我尝试测试我的Spring应用程序,但遇到以下问题: 在"正常模式"(mvn spring...
英文: JUnit Assertion error with identical strings 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: "I'm trying to make a test-case...
英文: Mockito mock same method calls with different collection-arguments 问题 我尝试模拟相同方法调用,但使用不同的集合参数。 我的...
I am getting this xpath error in eclipse , i think xpath is correct(1 of 1) but why am getting error
英文: I am getting this xpath error in eclipse , i think xpath is correct(1 of 1) but why am getting e...