英文: STM32: how does the DMA save values of an ADC with 3 channels as half word into a buffer? 问题 有一个...
stm32 到 arduino 的串行通信
英文: stm32 to arduino serial communication 问题 I am sending my adc values to an arduino board via UART...
STM32 HAL tick hangs after FreeRTOS mutex creation.
英文: STM32 HAL tick hangs after FreeRTOS mutex creation 问题 在创建FreeRTOS互斥量后,HAL Tick定时器不再增加。我使用STM32Cu...
如何将 STM32 的 fprintf 正确重定向到多个目的地(UART)?
英文: How to properly retarget STM32 fprintf to multiple destinations (uarts)? 问题 我正在尝试使用fprintf(或prin...
英文: Using nanoframework on the NUCLEO-F746ZG 问题 我想尝试使用.NET NanoFramework。对ESP32的初步测试成功,但那并不是我真正感兴趣的平...
英文: arm-none-eabi-gcc "is not implemented and will always fail" messages 问题 这些编译器警告信息是由于某些...
英文: Why should I typecast a 32 bit address to 16 bit to store a 16 bit data 问题 I am working on an ST...
英文: stm32 keypad 4x4 IDR register always set 问题 我正在尝试将stm32 nucleo微控制器与4x4键盘接口。行使用上拉电阻设置,中断在下降沿触发。当按...
STM32 优雅地解析 NMEA 句子,无需分配太多内存
英文: STM32 elegant way to parse NMEA sentences without allocating to much memory 问题 I'm writing a par...
I'm trying to port a make file that was used in linux to be able to work in a windows, confused about some errors
英文: I'm trying to port a make file that was used in linux to be able to work in a windows, confu...