英文: single-row subquery returns more than one row with multiple OR 问题 I got this error while using m...
英文: How to sum the hour of time based on same id with mysql 问题 Sure, here's the translated part: &qu...
英文: Is there anything one cannot do (and then rollback safely) in transaction? 问题 以下是要翻译的内容: 在事务中有什么...
Python的try except在添加for循环后不起作用。
英文: Python try except not working when adding for loop after 问题 抱歉,我只会翻译文本内容,以下是代码的翻译: powder = [] t...
PostgreSQL – 每个用户和客户去除重复行
英文: Postgresql - Removing duplicate rows per each user and customer 问题 在Postgres中,我有两个表:blog和blog_hi...
英文: Merge two tables together using insert statement to match exact values into table 1 问题 以下是翻译好的内容...
在Oracle SQL中,交叉范围和不相交范围也包括。
英文: Intersecting ranges in Oracle SQL and include also not intersecting ranges 问题 Here's the transla...
在Toad Data Point中一直收到语法错误消息。
英文: Keep getting syntax error message in Toad Data Point 问题 I have a table like this: 员工编号 性别 1 女 2 ...
Eloquent可以生成类似于”WHERE (column_1 OR column_2 IS NOT NULL)”的WHERE子句吗?
英文: Can Eloquent generate a WHERE clause like "WHERE (column_1 OR column_2 IS NOT NULL)"? ...
用GROUP BY子句的减法查询产生不同的结果。
英文: Minus query with group by clause giving different result 问题 I have checked various similar quest...