英文: ORACLE PLSQL - Merge JSON Data of multiple rows into a single JSON based on conditions 问题 我有一张表格...
Oracle PL/SQL语法混淆?
英文: Oracle plsql syntax confusion? 问题 declare v_name varchar2(10) := 'bruce'; v_name2 number; begin ...
英文: How to combine multiple rows of text in SQL 问题 我有一个非常大的SQL数据库,它将文本字段存储为多行,并带有一个序列号。我需要找到一种编写SQL代...
英文: How do I check if the strings inside an array are part of another string? 问题 我有一个字符串的动态数组。我想检查其中...
英文: SQL or DAX Count values in column based on their position 问题 "may I ask you for help?"...
List elements that are not in a table without left join
英文: List elements that are not in a table without left join 问题 我有一张表格,列出了商店里有的产品。 例如: 产品 商店 产品 1 1 产...
SQL Server相关的时间范围问题。
英文: SQL Server related time range issues 问题 I understand your request, and I will provide the transl...
英文: How can I get members with that dont have active subscriptions? 问题 我有两个表,members 和 subscriptions...
英文: How to speed up a query that has a WHERE on a varchar column? 问题 I have two columns in the users...
SQL – 如何选择多个表中一个列的最小条目?
英文: SQL - How to select the Minimum Entry for One Column in Numerous Tables? 问题 MIN(LASER_VISION_VER...