英文: implementation issue on @OneToMany relationship recursive call infinite loop 问题 我有两个类别,城市和宗教场所,一...
MySQL syntax error in generated JPA Repository Pageable query: near 'offset x rows fetch first y rows only'
英文: MySQL syntax error in generated JPA Repository Pageable query: near 'offset x rows fetch fir...
Spring Data Repositories 和 JdbcTemplate 是否共享相同的事务上下文?
英文: Are Spring Data Repositories and JdbcTemplate sharing the same transaction context? 问题 I struggl...
deleteById()方法与ManyToMany映射不起作用:Spring Boot和JPA
英文: deleteById() method not working with ManyToMany mapping: Spring Boot and JPA 问题 我有一个情景,在其中我在一个**...
英文: Why does JsonIdentityInfo only set the id for some objects in the array? 问题 I need to understand...
英文: Entities are not fetching in Transaction event listener spring boot 问题 我有一个带有`@Transactional`注释的...
Bean not found exception, caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContext
英文: Bean not found exception, caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jakarta.persistence.Persis...
以 JSON 格式导出一百万条记录的最佳方法是什么?
英文: Best way to export a million records formatted as json? 问题 我需要将大约一百万条记录导出以进行一次性迁移,并且我需要将这些记录导出为J...
java.lang.IllegalStateException 无法调用 sendError()
英文: java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot call sendError() 问题 在使用Postman测试ManyToMany关系的GET请求时,我遇到了以...
英文: Is there anyway to return value when not found in findby jpa repository 问题 在存储库中创建了一个查询。当未找到值时,我...