英文: Spring Boot Refuses to Start, problem with AbstractRepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport 问题 我使用Sp...
Entities created correctly from Json with @JoinColumn on the opposite side
英文: Entities created correctly from Json with @JoinColumn on the opposite side 问题 我以为我理解了JPA的*@JoinC...
什么是通过注解 Spring 从数据库获取数据的不同方式?
英文: What is the difference between ways to get from the database via annotation spring? 问题 以下是翻译好的部分...
Spring Boot / Hibernate在从MySQL数据库检索最近记录的数量时出现问题。
英文: Problem with Spring Boot/Hibernate while retrieving the number of recent records from MySQL data...
英文: How to use fixed values in Spring CrudRepository? 问题 可以在CrudRepository的查询方法中直接添加固定值吗?就像这样: findA...
Spring JPA,CrudRepository的save方法是否立即提交到数据库?
英文: Spring JPA, does CrudRepository's save method commit to DB immediately? 问题 默认情况下,Spring Data...
英文: Does setter generates hibernate query for Entity class automatically 问题 我在Hibernate JPA Spring B...
错误:从Spring Data Jpa中列名称id无效。
英文: Error: The column name id is not valid from Spring Data Jpa 问题 It seems like you're encountering...
Spring Boot + JPA:JPA似乎会自动创建表,但不确定在哪里。
英文: Spring Boot + JPA : JPA seems to auto create tables but not sure where 问题 我正在练习学习一些 Spring Boot ...
Spring Boot Quartz: JDBC表始终被初始化
英文: Spring boot quartz: jdbc tables are always initailized 问题 我们在Spring Boot应用程序中使用了Quartz。 为了存储作业信息...