英文: spring kafka error handling without KafkaListener 问题 以下是要翻译的代码部分: @Component public class Consum...
Junit tests failing with embedded mongodb with spring boot.
英文: Junit tests failing with embedded mongodb with spring boot 问题 I have added this code to configur...
Jackson Parse String to Map throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. Explicit mapping using Jackson annotations or by providing a Mixin for UUID
英文: Jackson Parse String to Map throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. Explicit mapping using Ja...
Design problem in Microservice architecture.
英文: Design problem in Microservice architecture 问题 在我们的公司,我们正在使用“微服务”,但迄今为止我们没有遵循“微服务原则”。因此,在架构审查中,我...
Why does the class that implements the interface have @Data and@Accessors(chain = true) that need to override the set method but not the get method?
英文: Why does the class that implements the interface have @Data and@Accessors(chain = true) that nee...
Springboot API 返回空响应。
英文: Springboot API returns null response 问题 This API works fine; I can see it hits the server and re...
英文: How to send request parameters with whitespace through a feign client (ApacheHttpClient) to odat...
Spring Boot 使用默认值而不是来自 application-local.yml 的值。
英文: Spring boot is taking the default value instead of from application-local.yml 问题 我有一个类,它从配置文件中获取...
Spring Security 登录时总是返回 401
英文: Spring Security always returns 401 when logging in 问题 我是Java和Spring的新手。 每次我向服务器发送包含已存在于我的数据库中的用户...
问题:在Spring Boot服务中使用ModelMapper更新从DTO转换的实体时出现问题。
英文: Issue updating Entity converted from DTO using ModelMapper in Spring Boot Service 问题 I am buildi...