英文: How deserialize from json to java object? 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: My problem is that I need to deserializ...
英文: Jpa bidirectional many to one mapping going into infinite loop even with @JsonManagedReference 问...
英文: @PropertySource with the right classpath 问题 I have a microservice (name = "microservice-por...
KafkaListener 的默认 ack 策略是什么?
英文: What is the default kafka ack policy for @KafkaListener? 问题 "log.info("new message fro...
使用 @Value 创建一个对象
英文: Create an object using @Value 问题 I'm trying to use @Value annotation to read a string parameter ...
英文: How to design good search funcionality using CriteriaQuery when the number of columns is high an...
如何单元测试 ExchangeFilterFunction?
英文: How can I unit test an ExchangeFilterFunction? 问题 I am trying to create a global webclient retry...
Repository not injected in service class when initialized through a factory class
英文: Repository not injected in service class when initialized through a factory class 问题 我有一个方法的多个实现...
Numeric Overflow exception when calling findRevisions() or even custom audit query – spring-data-jpa with oracle
英文: Numeric Overflow exception when calling findRevisions() or even custom audit query - spring-data...
无法创建配置,因为找不到Jakarta Bean Validation提供程序。
英文: Unable to create a Configuration, because no Jakarta Bean Validation provider could be found 问题 ...