英文: Explicit Encryption with Spring Data Mongo fails when annotating custom class instead of simple ...
How can I pass Batch Job parameters to my batch job without using CommandLineRuner?
英文: How can I pass Batch Job parameters to my batch job without using CommandLineRuner? 问题 我有一个Sprin...
英文: How to get different variable name in result instead of getting the same variable name in POJO c...
Spring Security Filter Chain 和定义 FilterRegistrationBean
英文: Spring Security Filter Chain and defining FilterRegistartionBean 问题 I am playing around with spr...
如何使用Apache HttpClient记录未解压的gzip内容
英文: How to log unzipped gzip content using Apache HttpClient 问题 我使用Spring Boot(版本3.1.1)的RestTemplate...
QueueMessagingTemplate在Spring Boot中是异步运行还是同步运行?
英文: do QueueMessagingTemplate run async or sync in spring boot 问题 现在我使用QueueMessagingTemplate来消费SQS中...
对象和Spring Bean之间有什么区别?
英文: What are the differences between object and spring beans? 问题 你可以解释一下Spring Bean和对象之间的区别。 我还是不太明白...
如何在GraphQL Spring Boot中访问查询选定字段上的所有指令?
英文: How to access all directives on selected fields of a query, with GraphQL Spring Boot? 问题 我有一个认证指...
MySQL syntax error in generated JPA Repository Pageable query: near 'offset x rows fetch first y rows only'
英文: MySQL syntax error in generated JPA Repository Pageable query: near 'offset x rows fetch fir...
第三方 @ConfigurationProperties 未被 Spring Boot 填充。
英文: Third-party @ConfigurationProperties not being populated by spring-boot 问题 我有一个将第三方类作为@Configura...