英文: What does socket.setdefaulttimeout have to do with Windows services written in Python? 问题 I'm fa...
英文: What could cause fields in a Java object to change after being sent over a socket? 问题 这个问题看起来可能是...
Ruby TCP套接字未读取完整输入数据。
英文: Ruby TCP Socket does not read the entire input data 问题 I've translated the text you provided. He...
我的用C编写的HTTP Web服务器不显示HTML文件。
英文: My http webserver written in c doesn't show the html file 问题 I'm building a web server based...
Getting image rendering errors while sending it through C code using fread and send functions over tcp socket in a http response
英文: Getting image rendering errors while sending it through C code using fread and send functions ov...
英文: How can I send data from thread to Gtk app? 问题 以下是您提供的代码的翻译部分: 我有以下的代码: import socket from queue...
英文: Function to receive file in TcpSockets 问题 I heard about FileStream. Is it a good solution?(我听说过F...
英文: How does TCP/UDP deal with lost bits? 问题 根据我找到的信息,TCP/UDP数据包没有任何分隔符来指示数据包的起始/结束。那么,如果在传输过程中丢失了一个...
英文: How to connect to nextjs websocket from external react 问题 I am trying to send messages over a we...
尝试使用套接字从 GUI 传递值到另一个应用程序。
英文: Attempting to pass values from GUI to another app with socket 问题 以下是您要的代码的翻译: 如标题所述,我试图创建两个独立的应用...