英文: Is there a way to change the owner of a smart contract? 问题 I've translated the content as reques...
传递 uint256 数组参数
英文: Passing argument of uint256 array 问题 在Solidity中,将uint256数组传递给函数时,应该使用以下格式: - ["5000000000000...
“BLUR空投认领解释 – 将证明嵌入交易中”
英文: BLUR airdrop claim explained - embedding a proof into a transaction 问题 最近,我看到Blur有一个依赖于Twitter的空...
How can I fix the 'Source can be imported from more than one directory' error in my tsol when using Venom and Locklift?
英文: How can I fix the 'Source can be imported from more than one directory' error in my tsol...
How can I test gas usage in a Solidity smart contract with an array of 1 million items using a testing library?
英文: How can I test gas usage in a Solidity smart contract with an array of 1 million items using a t...
英文: How Does Solidity Constructor Syntax Work? 问题 I'm having trouble understanding the syntax of the...
英文: How does this type casting msg.sender to uint32 work? 问题 In the provided code, casting msg.sende...
Sending less than 1 ether to verified smart contract.
英文: Sending less than 1 ether to verified smart contract 问题 我正在尝试创建一个可支付的函数,允许发送小于1以太的金额。在Remix中,我可以...
英文: What happens when you write an erroneous smart contract that is pushed onto the blockchain? 问题 &...
locklift error while deploying smart contract on venom network: "Error: Giver has empty contract state, check the giver address",
英文: locklift error while deploying smart contract on venom network: "Error: Giver has empty con...