英文: Concept question: What's an easy and secure way to save application settings in the cloud? 问...
英文: Potential vulnerabilities in code generation tools 问题 我正在使用JHipster构建代码生成工具。它通过CLI提供提示,客户可以选择所需的...
英文: How does IIS get data on WindowsPrincipal when using Windows Authentication? 问题 对于使用Windows身份验证的...
英文: Is PHP's is_numeric() function effective against directory traversal attacks? 问题 我想知道下面的代码是否...
如何在Coldfusion 2016中防止表单字段上的跨站点脚本攻击?
英文: How to prevent Cross-Site Scripting on form fields in Coldfusion 2016? 问题 项目使用Coldfusion 2016具有基...
Microsoft Blazor用户基于用户团队的授权
英文: Microsoft Blazor User Authorization based on user team 问题 I understand that you're looking for h...
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time – spring security, webclient
英文: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period ...
英文: What is the best way to store a sensitive key on an android app? 问题 我必须在我的安卓应用程序中存储一个敏感的密码短语。如果需...
英文: OAuth flow for Kiosk mobile application 问题 你可以在Kiosk应用中使用OAuth的哪种流程,其中最终用户不需要登录? 用户只需要提供2个信息:优惠券...
英文: How can I get a Permission List from Subject 问题 Here is the translated content you requested: 我想...