英文: How can I iterate through JSON objects even there is error using Scala Jackson 问题 以下是您提供的代码的翻译: ...
Comments convention "// $example on:" and "// $example off:" in Scala and Java
英文: Comments convention "// $example on:" and "// $example off:" in Scala and Ja...
Converting from scala.collection.immutable.List to a java.util.List in java
英文: Converting from scala.collection.immutable.List to a java.util.List in java 问题 I’m currently wor...
最快的方式找到在最后 ‘x’ 分钟内修改的文件。
英文: Fastest way to find files modified in last 'x' minutes 问题 I have a requirement to find f...
No configuration setting found for key ‘conf’ while trying to use ConfigFactory.parseString.
英文: No configuration setting found for key 'conf' while trying to use ConfigFactory.parseStr...
英文: How to resolve current committed offsets differing from current available offsets? 问题 我正尝试使用Spar...
英文: Convert Java Timestamp Datatype to Scala TimestampType 问题 无法将Java Timestamp数据类型直接转换为Scala Timest...
英文: Parsing string to Timestamp with 7 decimals, datetime format 问题 我正在尝试解析一个字符串并将其更改为时间戳。但是,我还没有找到正...
英文: Cron based jobs, which are in Database 问题 我正在尝试编写一个进程,它从数据库中存储的一组记录中读取cron表达式,并在下一个小时内触发时运行作业(执行...
Akka Streams 在条件失败后仍继续处理下一个元素
英文: Akka Streams takeWhile processing next element even after condition fails 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 我有一个非常简单...