英文: How do I escape a MySql reserved name in ActiveRecord Relations? 问题 I'm working with an older (r...
英文: Ruby concatenate two methods 问题 我刚刚开始学习Ruby,所以如果我做了什么很傻的事,请不要讨厌我这个问题。 我想要实现的是拥有两个方法: def method1...
英文: why when I call a function passing a reference to an array, the array is changing in ruby? 问题 I ...
以下的 Ruby 代码为什么会显示竞态条件,尽管有 GVL(全局虚拟机锁)?
英文: Why do the following ruby codes show race conditions despite GVL? 问题 I understand your request, ...
Zeitwerk?Ruby on Rails ::Domains::Article => /app/domains/domains/ariticle.rb
英文: Zeitwerk? Ruby on Rails ::Domains::Article => /app/domains/domains/ariticle.rb 问题 我有存储在以下路径的领...
find all words ending in "ing" in ruby
英文: find all words ending in "ing" in ruby 问题 def find_all_words_ending_in_ing words = [...
英文: How do I get the value of URL from PUT request? In Ruby 问题 What I need is the value of URL from ...
英文: Does Crystal have attribute accessor methods like in Ruby? 问题 Crystal编程语言是否有与Ruby的属性访问器方法相对应的功能?...
英文: Ruby gsub with `"\'"` 问题 I simply don't understand if this behavior is expected or...
英文: Rails create/build with multiple foreign keys 问题 你想要能够仅通过帐户来创建开支,就像这个示例一样: account = current_use...