英文: regex to use negative look far behind along with positive look behind? 问题 I need it to select on...
英文: Can these pairs of regexes be simplified into one? 问题 我正在尝试从字符串中提取Twitter用户名。我的当前解决方案如下: ```pyth...
How can I separate symbols [">", "<", ">=", "<="], numeric value and unit from a string by using regular expression in Python?
英文: How can I separate symbols [">", "<", ">=", "<=&q...
英文: How to extract a string between two points and a dot 问题 我想提取冒号后和点号前的数字序列,即22334455。我尝试使用gsub(&qu...
Why when split a string into a list of substrings, without removing the separators, parts of this original string are lost in the splitting process?
英文: Why when split a string into a list of substrings, without removing the separators, parts of thi...
英文: Regex to match html tags excluding some 问题 我想移除所有不在我的列表中的HTML开/闭标签(包括属性)。 const allowedTags = [&...
英文: Regexp three or four digits check for first number 问题 我有数据数字,从101到1056,都以斜杠开头。 我想要正则表达式检查输入是否符合条...
英文: Regex: Replace with value inside quotation marks and ignore if just quotation marks 问题 test dd,t...
\p{InLatin1Supplement} 在正则表达式中是一个未知的 Unicode 字符属性名称。
英文: \p{InLatin1Supplement} is an unknown unicode-character-property-name in Regex 问题 "The docs ...
英文: Regex to find second occurrence of a domain within a string 问题 我正在尝试使用正则表达式在Google App Script中从字...