英文: Performance wise is better to use a split or a matching regex to extract subtext from a string? ...
I get an error related to HTML 5 pattern. It suggests me to use 'u' flag instead of 'v' flag while I haven't used any flag in my pattern
英文: I get an error related to HTML 5 pattern. It suggests me to use 'u' flag instead of '...
在Google Docs中删除空行。
英文: Removing empty lines in Google Docs 问题 I would like to find an automated way to make this text: ...
英文: Regular expression matching either an empty string or a string in a given set 问题 I would like to...
How to split strings with regex like {{(all spaces)variableValue(all spaces)}}
英文: How to split strings with regex like {{(all spaces)variableValue(all spaces)}} 问题 需要根据此正则表达式拆分字符...
你应该如何解释 tdda.rexpy.extract 的输出?
英文: How should I interpret the output of tdda.rexpy.extract? 问题 我对Rexpy感兴趣,因为我正在寻找一个能推断匹配字符串的正则表达式的工...
英文: Regex that removes whitespaces between two specific characters 问题 In pyspark中,我有以下表达式: df.withCo...
英文: Using Regular Expression to capitalize all letters at beginning of filenames up to first dash 问题...
用一个 `re.sub` 替换所有上标数字。
英文: Replace all superscript digits with one `re.sub` 问题 Here's the translated code portion: import r...
英文: Is there a way in JavaScript to have String.prototype.replace() return the replaced value? 问题 我正...