英文: I want to navigate to another page using TouchableOpacity but failed 问题 Here is the translated c...
Does RTK Query compare the newly re-fetched data with the cached one to determine if there was a change?
英文: Does RTK Query compare the newly re-fetched data with the cached one to determine if there was a...
Cannot get data from API for android device (React-Native)
英文: Cannot get data from API for android device (React-Native) 问题 I'm trying to get data from an API...
如何在使用React Native登出时删除身份验证令牌?
英文: How to delete authentication token when logging out with react native? 问题 我正在使用Django Rest Frame...
AppState event persists across all app screens even when cleaned
英文: AppState event persists across all app screens even when cleaned 问题 我使用AppState API监听器来在应用程序从后台切...
React-Native 中的屏幕导航
英文: Screens Navigation in React-Native 问题 我理解你的需求。你需要在用户打开应用时,根据他们是否已登录来显示不同的界面。以下是一种实现方式: 使用AsyncSt...
如何在React Native中删除身份验证令牌?
英文: How to remove authentication token with react native? 问题 我有一个React Native应用。还有一个登出API调用。所以我现在尝试在...
在React Native中是否有与localStorage等效的功能?
英文: Is there an equivalent to localStorage in React Native? 问题 我想在我的React Native应用中实现与javascript loc...
Execution failed for task ‘:react-native-gesture-handler:compileDebugKotlin’
英文: Execution failed for task ':react-native-gesture-handler:compileDebugKotlin' 问题 FAILURE:...
英文: Expo Development Build on Simulator Network connection lost 问题 我为Expo构建了开发版本,但一旦我这样做了,我就无法从iOS模拟...