英文: how to return the same object after "merge" transformation as it was at the beginning ...
广义加性模型中调整后的 R^2 的公式是什么?在 mgcv 包中。
英文: What is the formula behind adjusted R^2 for generalized additive model in mgcv package? 问题 在使用R包...
英文: How to divide a tsibble column by a number in R? 问题 我之前发布了一个类似的问题,并得到了一个适用于xts的答案: standardize&l...
英文: How to enumerate all valid options for building a course schedule in R 问题 如何使用R来列举构建课程时间表的所有可能方式...
英文: SQL: Learning How to Use The Percentile Functions in SQL 问题 I understand that you want a transla...
英文: Need axis title labeled "δ13C (‰)" but with the 13 as a superscript 问题 我在寻找正确的代码来在轴标题中...
英文: How to get the exact same standard errors obtained in Stata when reproducing survival analysis i...
From R xml2 library, I don’t understand how xml_find_all and xml_find_first work.
英文: From R xml2 library, I don't understand how xml_find_all and xml_find_first work 问题 以下是您要翻译的...
英文: How to color the line different between 2 points on borders in maps made with geom_sf and ggplot...
英文: make distance between all tick marks equal in ggplot2 问题 我已经创建了以下图表: 但是,我不喜欢数字4、12和24上的刻度标记看起来挤在...