英文: R: Counting Number of Observations in Each Percentile 问题 我正在使用R编程语言进行工作。 我有以下数据集: library(dplyr)...
英文: Problem using lapply in R with a function that uses constants in the global environment 问题 我正在尝试...
Skip a model in a modelsummary table.
英文: Skip a model in a modelsummary table 问题 I am trying to print a three-panel table of 3 regression...
Matrix multiplication algorithm
英文: Algorithm for matrix multiplication 问题 我需要编写一个单循环算法来进行矩阵乘法,不使用%*%,而是利用colSums()来完成。 我已经尝试过研究矩阵乘法...
英文: ggplot change facet label using another variable 问题 I'm trying to use the names of a different v...
英文: Extract unique ID from table on webpage using rvest 问题 我试图提取Environmental Data Initiative(EDI)网站...
英文: Create a new variable based on values in two columns and list of values in a vector 问题 我有一个包含列&q...
Webscarping with rvest – 获取表格和跨度文本
英文: Webscarping with rvest - Get table and span text 问题 I looking to get the table at this link (htt...
创建两个不同数据框之间的映射 ID
英文: Creating mapping id between two different data frame 问题 Here's the translated code portion witho...
英文: Conditioned MICE imputation / with restrictions 问题 Here's the translation of the relevant conten...