英文: How can I efficiently calculate differences between values of a column and the preceding column ...
英文: How to group variables that falls within a range of numbers 问题 以下是您要求的翻译内容: 我想要创建一个这样的数据框(DF): m...
在 gratia::draw(parametric_effects()) 中获取参数项的正确顺序。
英文: Getting the correct order of factors for parametric terms in gratia::draw(parametric_effects()) ...
英文: Efficiently match all values of a vector in another vector 问题 我正在寻找一种高效的方法,可以匹配向量x中的所有值,而不仅仅是第一个...
What is the best way to check for consecutive missing values in a data column in R and exclude them based on a related column value?
英文: What is the best way to check for consecutive missing values in a data column in R and exclude t...
优化数据以避免 “数据基本上是常数” 错误的 t.test。
英文: Optimize data for t.test to avoid "data are essentially constant" error 问题 有关在R中使用t.te...
英文: How to reorder numbers+string used as ticker in ggplot? 问题 我尝试重新排列我的x轴刻度,使它们按照如下方式排列:DQQ1、DQQ2、D...
英文: Saving an extremely long figure as pdf in R will cause all text invisible 问题 R 4.2.1 包使用: netmet...
英文: geom_raster with colors based on specific discrete values 问题 我想绘制一个基于特定分类的geom_raster,并根据颜色进行分类:...
英文: Reverse the content order of several columns (ideally in tidyverse) 问题 假设以下数据: df <- data.fra...