英文: Include image in html using R markdown 问题 I have an image named icon.png that I want to put in t...
英文: Problem with knit Markdown file and pandoc 问题 I am trying to knit my R Markdown file. >Error ...
英文: How can I generate a html report based on a Rmarkdown including reactives plots? 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: ...
File not found with knitr::include_graphics in rmarkdown via RStudio when data and pdf-image present
英文: File not found with knitr::include_graphics in rmarkdown via RStudio when data and pdf-image pre...
代码块和输出的背景颜色以及边框颜色在Rmarkdown Beamer中。
英文: Code block and output background color and border color in Rmarkdown Beamer 问题 我正在尝试在R Markdown中...
跨引用 R Markdown 中的子图。
英文: Cross Reference Subfigures in R Markdown 问题 我在R Markdown中有一个包含子图的图。如何在文本中交叉引用这些图,例如`Figure 1a`,`...
英文: Return multiple gt tables in function 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 有没有办法在R Markdown中从用户编写的函数中返回多个gt表格?通常情况下,我会将...
英文: How can I use different colours for in-text citations and figure hyper-references in RMarkdown? ...
英文: How to insert the word "Chapter" followed by the chapter number in a Quarto book? 问题 我...
无法编译 ‘sass’,当尝试使用R安装包时。
英文: Unable to compile 'sass' when trying to install package with R 问题 当在Rstudio中运行install.pa...