英文: How to clone a postgreSQL database with partial data 问题 我面临的任务是克隆一个PostgreSQL数据库,保留所有约束、索引等,并包括与...
英文: Avoid using extends and implements in my class 问题 I am brand new to Java and need to use one of ...
英文: How to change the default Java and Python version on Ubuntu 问题 You can change your default Java ...
英文: How to get Zxing in python working with Heroku? 问题 我正在将Python Flask应用部署到Heroku上,该应用使用Zxing来读取二维码...
英文: Why is this regular expression so slow in Java? 问题 最近,SonarQube规则 (https://rules.sonarsource.com...
执行一个 .class 文件(Java)从 .py 脚本中如何实现?
英文: How to execute a .class file(java) from .py script? 问题 我在我的树莓派上进行一个项目时,遇到了这个问题:我需要一个Python脚本来运行一...
英文: I am trying to covert java codes into python code 问题 public String getABC() { return ABC; } publ...
Flink Python Custom Connector / Source
英文: Flink Python Custom Connector / Source 问题 我想在pyflink中创建一个自定义的用户定义连接器/源。我在文档中看到了如何在Java/Scala中进行此...
Which way can i transffer the json that posted to my Flask server webhook to java application that runs this server
英文: Which way can i transffer the json that posted to my Flask server webhook to java application th...
英文: How can I only use 2 variables in Java as with the Python code? 问题 这是相同功能的Java代码: private static...