英文: No Suitable Driver Found (Postgres JDBC) : java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for j...
英文: Postgresql/JDBC fails with or without UTF8 encoding 问题 使用Java 8和Postgres 10服务器,以及v 42.2.16的Postg...
英文: Generate a timestamp in a column while inserting in Spring, Hibernate and PostgreSQL 问题 我正在学习Spr...
查询结果为 “ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying ~~ bytea”
英文: Query resulting into "ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying ~~ bytea" 问题 我...
Is it better to do one db request and process data in application, or fetch data from db in multiple queries
英文: Is it better to do one db request and process data in application, or fetch data from db in mult...
PSQLException “插入或更新表时违反了外键约束”,”关键字在表中不存在”
英文: PSQLException "insert or update on table violates foreign key constraint", "Key i...
为什么 @Transactional 和 @Rollback 不起作用?
英文: Why @Transactional and @Rollback don't work? 问题 IUserInfoRepository.java interface IUserInfo...
英文: Is there a way to query ltrees in JOOQ? 问题 有没有什么扩展可以让我在 JOOQ 中使用 Postgres 的 ltrees,而不必使用原始 SQL? ...
英文: Download CSV via PostgreSQL in Vaadin 问题 我有一个Vaadin 14应用程序,从PostgreSQL 11数据库检索数据。 使用Java 8和9.4-1...
英文: How do I send a password without using String from java to postgresql? 问题 我知道在处理密码时,char[]相对于Str...