英文: What values have pointer semantics? 问题 在Go语言中,一切都是按值传递的。调用一个带有值的函数会导致该值被复制,并且函数只能访问该值的副本。 指针语义允许...
Must lvalues of type T identify objects of type T? If `p` has type `T *`, does `&*p` require `p` to actually point to an object of type `T`?
英文: Must lvalues of type T identify objects of type T? If `p` has type `T *`, does `&*p` require...
英文: Why are my char arrays returning a null value? 问题 我正在尝试编写一个函数,该函数将值读入指针数组以存储不同长度的字符串。这些字符串似乎在get...
英文: How it can be legal to pass a variable with a data type to a function? 问题 I am currently examini...
I have a struct that has a field where the type is generic, but to create new records of this struct does not let me copy the generic types into rust
英文: I have a struct that has a field where the type is generic, but to create new records of this st...
Why should I use void * instead of explicit pointer type in sizeof()?
英文: Why should I use void * instead of explicit pointer type in sizeof()? 问题 我阅读了这个在StackOverflow答案(...
Segmentation Fault 当尝试初始化存储指向结构体的指针时。
英文: Segmentation Fault when trying to intialize to store pointer to a struct 问题 我尝试将market_order结构体存...
英文: Vector holding a class which holds a pointers 问题 I have a template class Position which has a po...
英文: Reading from stdout using file pointer and decrementing it 问题 The code you provided is written i...
英文: How can i define arrays as 2D pointers? 问题 你需要将这些数组转换为指针并使用动态内存分配。以下是已经进行转换的代码段: #include <io...