英文: How to create ggplot with 2 variables? 问题 我的数据看起来是这样的: ```R df <- structure(list(`记录ID` =...
英文: Why I´m getting this error using barplot in Rstudio "incorrect number of names"? ...
英文: Not filled, white voids near boundaries of polar plot 问题 我尝试使用matplotlib的contourf函数创建一个极坐标图(pola...
如何在不破坏par()设置的情况下,将多个内部图形放入M x N布局中?
英文: How to put multiple plots with inner plots in a M x N layout without messing up the par()s? 问题 我...
英文: Plotting response r(t) from R(s) 问题 对于系统函数 H(s)=s^2/(s^2+4) 和输入 E(s)=1/s^2。响应已计算为 R(s)=1/(s^2+4)...
How to create a function in R to add NBER recession shades to different facets in ggplot?
英文: How to create a function in R to add NBER recession shades to different facets in ggplot? 问题 让我们...
英文: How to add relative number of list as title with lapply 问题 我有这个 reprex 以便让你了解我想要做什么 mtcar = mtca...
英文: How to read a string with mixed nature in python 问题 I have taken some data from an instrument. T...
英文: Plot only 1s of a binomial matrix 问题 我想要绘制二项矩阵中所有1的情况(下面给出了代码)。我需要将y轴设置为频率,x轴设置为矩阵的所有列。 # 矩阵的代码 ...
英文: How to plot color plot or density plot for complex numbers? 问题 I can provide a translation of th...