英文: How to configure automatic calculation in a column in oracle sql who's information is in ano...
Kotlin RecyclerView,在加载项目到 RecyclerView 中遇到问题。
英文: Kotlin RecyclerView, having issue with loading the items into the recyclerview 问题 I see you have...
Why am I getting the "NJS-138: connections to this database server version are not supported by node-oracledb in Thin mode" error with node-oracledb
英文: Why am I getting the "NJS-138: connections to this database server version are not supporte...
英文: I want to find the difference between 2 tables and the output should be in the expected format 问...
ORA-12838 如何在删除和插入之前预测试查询?
英文: ORA-12838 How to pre-test a query before a delete and insert? 问题 Error: ORA-12838: cannot read/m...
NJS-116: 密码验证器类型 0x939 在Thin模式下不受node-oracledb支持。
英文: NJS-116: password verifier type 0x939 is not supported by node-oracledb in Thin mode 问题 我正在尝试使用J...
无法连接到 OCI 上的 Base 数据库服务,使用 python-oracledb。
英文: Can not connect with python-oracledb to Base Database Service on OCI 问题 I have created a databas...
英文: Retuning statement with dblink gives error 问题 我已经创建了一个带有生成的身份列的表。下面是脚本: CREATE TABLE "TABLES...
英文: How to create a table from remote database using dblink 问题 创建使用dblink从远程数据库创建表格的方法 create table ...
需要通过在Oracle DB中查询来解析xmltype值
英文: Need to parse xmltype values by querying it in Oracle DB 问题 我们需要使用选择语句从xmltype列中捕获值。以下是列"Te...