英文: C# GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker for OAuth2 connection to GMail not work in windows service 问题 我的...
Laravel 无法找到我的库中的类。
英文: Laravel can't find a class from my library 问题 我正在尝试将OAuth2 Azure身份验证添加到我的Laravel项目中。我找到了这个库:...
Error: ErrImagePull : failed to fetch oauth token: unexpected status: 403 Forbidden while creating kubernetes deployment on Google Cloud
英文: Error: ErrImagePull : failed to fetch oauth token: unexpected status: 403 Forbidden while creati...
When using Authorization code grant with the Proof Key of Code Exchange, can't the final access token response be captured by the malicious app?
英文: When using Authorization code grant with the Proof Key of Code Exchange, can't the final acc...
英文: How can we add OUATH Connection Settings to Bots in the BotFramework? 问题 使用TeamsFX构建Microsoft Te...
Plaid API 在开发模式下不允许我访问所有银行。
英文: Plaid API not allowing me to access all banks in development mode 问题 我正在尝试使用 Plaid API 连接个人银行账户。...
如何在Spring应用程序中应用GitHub OAuth时修复“Whitelabel Error Page”错误?
英文: How to fix 'Whitelabel Error Page' when applying GitHub OAuth in a Spring application? 问...
Google OAuth同意屏幕方案错误:无效的域名:不得指定方案。 (http://或https://)
英文: google OAuth consent screen scheme error: Invalid domain: must not specify the scheme. (http:// ...
英文: add custom claims to external oAuth provder 问题 Currently, we are using an external OAuth provide...
Azure AD B2C通过Graph API邀请的用户如何在接受邀请后进行注册?
英文: How does Azure AD B2C users invited via Graph API can sign up after accepting the invite? 问题 I a...