英文: .Net 6 - which C# SignalR client/server packages? 问题 <PackageReference Include="Microsof...
.Net MAUI发布部署崩溃,但调试部署正常。
英文: .Net MAUI release deployment crashes but debug deployment works 问题 当我将我的应用程序发布到一个APK文件并安装到Androi...
英文: Why a dynamic item, when passed to a method, the method's return type is not validated by th...
在Dapper中创建临时表 ..net c#
英文: Creating temporary table in Dapper ..net c# 问题 我试图使用Dapper创建一个临时表,但并不成功。我没有收到任何SQL异常或错误,连接已打开,但最...
英文: Creating a soap endpoint from WSDL in .net 问题 I am trying to create a SOAP web service that will...
C#控制台 – 绘制黑白像素
英文: C# Console - Drawing Black & White pixels 问题 <sup>我之前已经问过同样的问题</sup&...
英文: The interface cannot be used as type argument. Static member does not have a most specific imple...
.Net TimezoneInfo.ConvertTime将UTC日期转换为萨摩亚时返回了不正确的值。
英文: .Net TimezoneInfo.ConvertTime UTC date to Samoa incorrect value returned 问题 var finalValue = Tim...
为什么将 ref 结构体传递给方法实际上传递了 ref 结构体的副本呢?
英文: Why passing ref struct to methods actually passes a copy of a ref struct? 问题 当我试图传递一个看起来像这样的 ref...
Upgrade Graph SDK to 5.0 – Reference to type IAuthenticationProvider claims it is defined in Microsoft.Graph.Core, but cannot be found
英文: Upgrade Graph SDK to 5.0 - Reference to type IAuthenticationProvider claims it is defined in Mic...