英文: Ubuntu 22.04 updates broke dot net core 7.0 问题 On 3 running Ubuntu servers... I did updates and ...
Sending Json with nested array of JTokens to remote server – C#
英文: Sending Json with nested array of JTokens to remote server - C# 问题 I can help you with the trans...
英文: How can I make it so that only numbers can be entered in the TextBox and the first one is not 0?...
英文: Domain + subdomain IIS deployment 问题 我有两个网站。第一个是asp.net core web ui。第二个是golang api。我还购买了域名foo.ba...
Puppeteer LaunchAsync 在不打开浏览器的情况下挂起。
英文: Puppeteer LaunchAsync Hangs Without Opening Browser 问题 我有一个使用 PupperteerSharp 的 .Net 应用程序,用于导航到不...
英文: Reading byte Array from text file and saving as PDF is corrupting the PDF 问题 我需要将一个PDF文件转换成字节数组并...
C# HashSet 在每次 Add 操作时分配内存,即使在容量范围内。
英文: C# HashSet allocate memory on each Add even within capacity 问题 我做了一个简单的基准测试来测试 HashSet<T&...
Pattern(s) to avoid mutual recursion between functions and other objects?
英文: Pattern(s) to avoid mutual recursion between functions and other objects? 问题 以下是已翻译的内容: 我正在开始编写一...
Upcast and then downcast a record C#.
英文: Upcast and then downcast a record C# 问题 以下是要翻译的代码部分: 想象一下以下的记录类 ```C# public abstract record Emp...
获取.NET Framework中的每个传入HTTP请求。
英文: Get every incoming http request in .net framework 问题 I need to check every incoming http request...