英文: Identity Core migration to Java 问题 我有一个使用.NET Core制作的Web API项目,我正在使用IdentityCore来进行用户密码注册和登录。然而,...
访问PCF中的用户提供的服务变量,使用.NET Core。
英文: Access User Provided Service variables from PCF using .NET core 问题 我在PCF上运行着一个.NET Core WebAPI,创...
How to fix '"Character/_input does not exist in the current context" in Antlr with C# as target language?
英文: How to fix '"Character/_input does not exist in the current context" in Antlr with...
英文: Is there an async equivalent of StreamReader's Peek method? 问题 我正在将一些netstandard2.0的代码更新,以便不...
.NET Framework 4图书馆与.NET Core 2.2项目
英文: .NET Framework 4 Library with .NET Core 2.2 Project 问题 我有一个现有的.NET Framework 4 DLL,我想要在一个新的.NET ...
ASP.NET Core 2.1 – 与依赖注入相关的堆栈溢出异常
英文: ASP.NET Core 2.1 - Stack overflow exception related to dependency injection 问题 我在加载4或5次简单控制器操作后出...
英文: How to add multiple entities in same transaction with auto generated id? 问题 我在一个循环中有这段代码: theTag...
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager, The system cannot find the file specified
英文: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager, The system canno...
将项目从dotnet core 2.0迁移到3.1,并在Entity Framework上遇到了一些问题。
英文: Migrating project from dotnet core 2.0 to 3.1 and having some problems on Entity Framework 问题 我正...
Configure DI container for different environments in .NET Core 3.
英文: .net core 3: configure DI container for different environments 问题 在将旧的.NET Framework 4.5.1项目迁移到最...