英文: set metadata for the payment intent that was created by subscription stripe 问题 我正在我的程序中添加订阅功能。我正...
英文: how to import from libs in NX 问题 我有一个使用Nestjs和Nx的微服务。 这是项目结构: project │ │ └───apps │ │ gateway │...
Nest.js 从代码的任何地方获取当前请求
英文: Nest.js get current request from anywhere in code 问题 我需要从调用链中深入的服务中访问请求对象。我不想通过参数传递它,因为那将需要进行很多更...
英文: how to accept both null or string field in nestjs 问题 Here is the translated code: import { IsDef...
ApolloServerPluginLandingPageLocalDefault从@apollo/server与NestJS GraphQLModule配置不兼容。
英文: ApolloServerPluginLandingPageLocalDefault from @apollo/server is not compatible with NestJS Grap...
英文: set process.env.NODE_ENV in NodeJS 问题 我需要在本地的NestJS代码中将process.env.NODE_ENV设置为'production'。我尝试过的...
NestJS – Passport JWT策略未将用户附加到请求对象。
英文: NestJS - Passport JWT strategy does not attach user to request object 问题 I am building an auth f...
NestJS 依赖注入 – 从解析器的构造函数中删除垃圾
英文: NestJS dependency injection - delete garbage from constructor in resolver 问题 我已经看到你的代码并了解了你的问题。你...
英文: Is there a way to do frontend web development with rust? 问题 我已经使用NestJS创建了一个NodeJS后端API,主要原因是为了轻...
When running Jest tests on a Nest project, my file fails to find a module that has no issues when running outside of tests
英文: When running Jest tests on a Nest project, my file fails to find a module that has no issues whe...