英文: Delegating user related topics to another Asp Net Zero project 问题 我在尝试实现以下场景,使用Asp Net Zero 12.0...
Swagger API代码生成合并服务和模型类
英文: Swagger API Code generation combine service and model class 问题 I understand your request. Here i...
英文: How to handle time-related events in Event Driven Architecture? 问题 我有一个分布式平台,允许客户进行购买,购买的物品存储在库存...
英文: How to link SpringBoot application.properties file to Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets 问题 我必须将数...
Design problem in Microservice architecture.
英文: Design problem in Microservice architecture 问题 在我们的公司,我们正在使用“微服务”,但迄今为止我们没有遵循“微服务原则”。因此,在架构审查中,我...
Is it possible to create a service that consume both message streaming (from Kafka) and also read REST API request, in Go?
英文: Is it possible to create a service that consume both message streaming (from Kafka) and also rea...
英文: How to handle data sync in data replication approach on microservices archetecture? 问题 在这篇微软的文章中...
What should be the best approach/practise when creating Rest Template beans for multiple upstream calls from a microservice
英文: What should be the best approach/practise when creating Rest Template beans for multiple upstrea...
英文: Should I make authentication as a separate service in a microservice architecture? What should i...
Kubernetes Pod 无法按名称解析服务
英文: Kubernetes Pod Cannot Resolve Service by Name 问题 我是kubernetes的新手,我在部署中遇到问题。我有一个本地的k8s集群(minikube...