英文: Maven Shade plugin configuration to create uber jar containing just the submodules based in the ...
Maven: Having multiple @SpringBootTests causes H2:memory database to be set up multiple times when running mvn test
英文: Maven: Having multiple @SpringBootTests causes H2:memory database to be set up multiple times wh...
调试 IntelliJ 中的 Spring 依赖
英文: Debugging spring dependency in IntelliJ 问题 我正在为一个Spring应用程序创建一个模块。它的工作方式是,主应用程序包括模块,并在运行时捕获其Spri...
英文: No Tests Were Executed when using JUnit5 and Spring-boot-starter-parent 问题 <?xml version="...
Error creating bean with name 'viewResolver' defined in com.luv2code.springsecurity.demo.config.DemoAppConfig
英文: Error creating bean with name 'viewResolver' defined in com.luv2code.springsecurity.demo...
英文: Wildfly: authorization fails after server restart 问题 我首先进行所需的设置(如下所述)。一切工作正常,但当我重新启动 `standalone...
Dependency Version is missing – 'dependencies.dependency.version' for io.vertx:vertx-stack-depchain:jar is missing
英文: Dependency Version is missing - 'dependencies.dependency.version' for io.vertx:vertx-sta...
英文: Using @BeforeAll to instantiate an object in JUnit returns null 问题 这似乎很容易,我不明白我做错了什么。我使用 @Before...
如何从 Kotlin 程序中使用 Java 库?
英文: How to use java library from kotlin program? 问题 import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument impor...
英文: maven-surefire-plugin isn't working with profiles 问题 I have profile configuration in my POM ...