英文: Bean not found exception, caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jakarta.persistence.Persis...
IntelliJ IDEA仅在项目窗口中显示外部库。
英文: IntelliJ IDEA is only showing External Libraries in the project window 问题 我正在使用IntelliJ IDEA 202...
无法找到符号 JdbcTypeCode
英文: Cannot find symbol JdbcTypeCode 问题 我的Springboot Maven应用在构建过程中出现了“找不到符号错误”。 #13 552.4 [ERROR] /bu...
Warning seen when saving a maven project in Jenkins when Git as source code management is used
英文: Warning seen when saving a maven project in Jenkins when Git as source code management is used 问...
spring-boot-maven-plugin and maven-dependency-plugin seems incompatible with buildpack for injecting dependency
英文: spring-boot-maven-plugin and maven-dependency-plugin seems incompatible with buildpack for injec...
无法在 Docker 中运行 gcloud auth activate-service-account。
英文: Not able to run gcloud auth activate-service-account in Docker 问题 我想在 Docker 构建期间运行 gcloud auth ...
SparkException cause by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/htrace/core/HTraceConfiguration
英文: SparkException cause by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/htrace/core/HTraceConfigurati...
英文: what is the dependency of simpleitk for maven? 问题 第一次使用Maven,在mvnrepository.com搜索'simpleitk'返回以下...
为什么注解处理器在Maven和Java 11下不起作用?
英文: Why annotation processor doesn't work with Maven and java11? 问题 我正在将一个Java Web应用程序从Java8迁移到J...
Understanding the transitive dependencies of the Kotlin Standard Library with Maven
英文: Understanding the the transitive dependencies of the Kotlin Standard Library with Maven 问题 我正在尝试...