英文: Spring Boot FlywayException: Unable to connect to the database. Configure the url, user and pass...
Good with maven 3.12.0, but 3.13.0:pmd failed: MavenReportException: /workspace/my-project/.out/reports/pmd/pmd.xml (No such file or directory)
英文: Good with maven 3.12.0, but 3.13.0:pmd failed: MavenReportException: /workspace/my-project/.out/...
英文: Why compile command failed in Maven? 问题 我刚接触Maven,正在尝试通过命令提示符运行。命令mvn build成功执行了清理命令,但在构建编译和测试命令...
运行JavaFX应用程序 – 初始化引导层时发生错误:java.lang.module.ResolutionException
英文: Running javafx application - Error occurred during initialization of boot layer: java.lang.modul...
Spring Boot @Mapper Bean creation issue : Application Failed to start. Error : Consider defining a bean of Type
英文: Spring Boot @Mapper Bean creation issue : Application Failed to start. Error : Consider defining...
已删除的文件在VS Code中的Maven Java项目中神奇地重新出现
英文: Deleted files magically re-appear in VS Code Maven Java project 问题 很简单,我有一些文件需要从我的Java Maven项目中删...
英文: file with log4j logs is not created 问题 在资源文件夹中搜索,未找到合适内容,以下为文件夹中的配置文件: log4j.rootLogger=INFO, fi...
Choose one dependency as precedent over another for an arbitrary list of packages in the IntelliJ Builder
英文: Choose one dependency as precedent over another for an arbitrary list of packages in the Intelli...
Java Spring应用在部署到Tomcat 7后无法运行。
英文: Java Spring app can't run after deploy on Tomcat7 问题 我刚刚部署了我的基于Spring的Java应用程序(首次部署)。在本地主机上一...
英文: Maven is making unwanted changes to the Eclipse .classpath 问题 我最近在我的pom.xml中添加了一些新项目。由于某种原因,在添加了...